Better customizability, better performance on mobile devices. Moved all modules to the main repo for better maintainability. etc, virtual slides, dynamically add, remove slides while the gallery is open, comment interface, and much more. To enable videojs in lightGallery you just need to pass videojs: true via lightGallery settings. lightGallery has inbuilt Video.js Support.
So it will be extremely flexible, and considerably faster than using the JavaScript approach. Added new features such as pinch to zoom, swipe to close, zoom from the origin, inline gallery, next-generation image formats support(webp, JPEG XL). Video.js is a web video player built from the ground up for an HTML5 world. lightGallery uses CSS-only approach for resizing images and videos. Completely re-wrote from scratch in typescript A lightweight, customizable, modular, responsive, lightbox gallery plugin for jQuery. Here are the highlights of the lightGallery v2. Lightgallery 1.8.2 CDN links including JS or CSS files with their. Vimeo thumbnail plugin - Vimeo thumbnail plugin helps you load thumbnails automatically for Vimeo videos. Other players can be integrated easily with the help of custom events. lightGallery has in-built support for custom video player videoJs. LightGallery is available for React, Vue.js, and Angular. lightGallery supports all types of HTML5 video formats formats, such as MP4, WebM, Ogg, etc. lightGallery is built with modular architecture, It is easy to create your own modules, as well as detach modules that you don't want to use. Lightgallery is a lightweight modular responsive light box gallery, which allows you to create beautiful image & video galleries. LightGallery comes with plenty of features, such as Animated thumbnails, Pagers, pinch to zoom, Youtube Vimeo Wistia and html5 videos Support, History plugin, Social media sharing, Responsive images, Touch and mouse drag support, etc. Lightgallery is a lightweight modular responsive light box gallery, which allows you to create beautiful image & video galleries. JavaScript gallery library for building beautiful image and video galleries for the web and the mobile.